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Horrors of the Deep: Campaign Setting Guide



Journey to Ashantiir

So you make heading for the Islands of Ashantiir? Best make peace with any qualms you have, for those waters are treacherous. Whether in fame or fortune all you will find is death. Let this be a warning! Even the most seasoned captain struggles against the high winds, But that is not the real danger on the waters. The real danger is what lies below, the Horrors of the Deep.

Horrors of the Deep is a Dark Fantasy Tabletop Role Play setting for fifth edition themed all about the darkest depths of the ocean and the monsters that lurk within. Set in the isolated Islands of Ashantiir, all those that venture the high seas must balance risk versus reward when searching the oceans for lost treasures.

Horrors of the Deep contains over 150+ pages of material to set campaigns and inspire Dungeon Masters to create scary adventures based around the Islands of Ashantiir or create their own nautical horror setting. From world lore to a list of horrifying monsters that lurk in the very depths of the ocean. This book is designed to turn your seafaring adventures into the stuff of nightmares. Let the imagination loose with what lurks in the unfathomed waters.

A Supplement for 5th Edition.

 Horrors of the Deep includes:

40+ Monster stat blocks with hand drawn artwork 

15+ Magical Weapons

Custom Drukknai race with 24 different Mutations
2+ Maritime Subclasses 




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File Last Updated:
April 30, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on May 01, 2024.