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TRUE-d6 - printed edition

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Hey you, I see you there! Come on over and grab a seat at my table. I’d offer you a beer, but let's just have a chat for now. Yes, just like you, I’m a nerd — one of those enthusiasts who loves going to places packed with other weird folks like us, all to embark on fantastic adventures fueled by our imagination. Oh, and yeah, I sometimes, you know, play solo in my room — if you catch my drift — and no one sees my dice rolls. But hold on, you know about TRUE-d6, right? Ever since I tried it, I can’t get enough. Come on, let’s give it a whirl together, just a 1d6... and nothing will ever be the same again.


TRUE-d6 was first published in a daring and wonderful ASCII format. Many enthusiasts asked for a printed version of TRUE-d6, so here it is: a revised and refined version of the rules, available both in PDF and print on demand (you can still use the original TRUE-d6, there only are minor changes).


???? Light rules, Heavy fun!

Tired of hauling around rulebooks thicker than a spellbook to your game nights? Look no further! With just one PDF file or a small, lightweight book, you have everything you need. TRUE-d6 sheds the chains of complexity and embraces elegance. Its game mechanics are so light, even a drunk pixie could lift them.

But beware: simple does not mean devoid of structure, nor does it lead to narrative delirium or chaotic improvisation. Roll that trusty d6 to seize your destiny — whether you're battling fearsome monsters or haggling with tavern keepers for discounts on ale.

???? Only a d6 needed

One Die to Rule them All! Why juggle more dice than a circus performer when you can get the job done with just one? TRUE-d6 thrives on simplicity, using a single six-sided die to fuel your journeys. Yes, just 1d6. And everyone always has a die in their pocket, right? Just me? Oh.


???? Build your Character

Do you already have an original idea for a new character? Ah, were you thinking of a drow with an unhappy childhood looking for friends? Fear not, there's room for everyone!

> Distribute six numbers across as many attributes (yes, STR, DEX, etc.). You'll need to roll the d6 and get a result equal to or less than the attribute being tested to succeed. If the die roll is for an attack, the result corresponds to the base damage you inflict. And if the result equals the value of the attribute, congratulations: you scored a critical!

> Choose a race and note its bonus, and also write your HP on the character sheet.

> Choose the character's class and note the two initial skills. You can advance in 5 different classes (Fighter, Rogue, Wizard, Cleric, Diplomat) by choosing which skills to acquire, and combinations of levels in the various classes may unlock a specialization!

For example, a Fighter 2 / Cleric 2 may decide to become a Paladin, who can use Cleric skills tagged as spells without disadvantages even while wearing armor.

> Buy and write down your equipment, then note the attack values or the relevant attribute of your weapons, and write down your defense score.

> Answer background questions to create your character's story, or use the witty and clever background tables to discover who you are and what relationships you have with other party members.

???? Older than Oldies

Modern role-playing games may be wrapped in glitzy graphics and bells and whistles, but TRUE-d6 has a secret weapon: essence. It focuses on the core elements that make role-playing games legendary: storytelling, clean structure, and simplicity, leaving the way clear for camaraderie and unbridled creativity. Leave the clutter behind and rediscover the heart of the game!

TRUE-d6 is a system that feels young and fresh, yet boasts higher WIS than all these new Old-School games. And a higher CHA too, if you ask me.

You can't just put the letters "OSR" and expect everyone to be "Oohhh!" about it, even — especially — if you're a seasoned player. You can spot non-genuine stuff, no matter how well it's embellished with seemingly vintage images and tones. Whoever you are, I bet you'll like TRUE-d6: give it a try and write me your honest opinion.

Are you the GM? Listen: the Master won’t have to sweat blood to prepare a session or handle monsters, which are described in a simplified format. It’s also easy to handle doors and traps on the fly, and generally any die roll. You can use miniatures to represent combat with a grid map, or not, as you wish.

So what are you waiting for? Join the TRUE-d6 community in resurrecting the spirit of the game's past while embracing modern game design. Let's make TRUE-d6 the beacon of fantasy role-playing games: back our Kickstarter and become part of the journey that brings the fun back to the core of role-playing.

Five character classes, 15 specializations, 100+ skills, 18 races described on a single line, d66 magic items and loot tables, 125+ monsters, lovely background tables, solo play tips, a multi-purpose d6 oracle, and more!

Adventure awaits, and your destiny is ready to be forged.

Don't just play: rediscover the essence of role-playing with TRUE-d6!


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Customer avatar
Dr. Lars D September 22, 2024 5:51 am UTC
Hi, sorry, but I have another question. In the rules it is written how armor puts disadvantage on spell casting. Shields have not that sentence mentioned (light and heavy armor do have). Does this mean that by the rules a Mage can cast a spell normally although he has a shield?
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Lucio G September 22, 2024 9:14 am UTC
Yes, that's correct :)
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Lucio G September 22, 2024 9:17 am UTC
You can join our Discord so you can share any question or insight, here's the link
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Dr. Lars D September 24, 2024 8:03 am UTC
I joined discord. I will ask my next questions there. Thanks
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Lucio G January 06, 2025 10:42 am UTC
Correct! Sorry for the late reply :)
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Dr. Lars D September 01, 2024 5:17 pm UTC
And other questions many about ranged attacks and spells.

1) on page 11 attacks are described. Melee and ranged. There is also the option to score a critical +1 damage. Is a critical also possible with spells or magical attacks like the magic dart of the wizard?

2) assuming you would multi class a wizard and a fighter: does the adrenaline skill of the fighter also works with ranged attacks done by spells (e.g. magical dart).

The underlying question is if a ranged attacks and magical ranged attacks are different types of attacks or if magical ranged attacked are covered by normal ranged attack rules. Thanks and sorry for all this questions!
Customer avatar
Lucio G September 02, 2024 4:14 am UTC
Ranged Weapon attacks are different from spell attacks, but if you like to apply the +1 crit dmg to spells in your games, you can do it ofc. Same goes with Adrenaline.
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Dr. Lars D August 30, 2024 8:20 am UTC
Hi, I have another question. Please let me know if there a discord channel or similar where you prefer to get those questions.

Some of the Fighter skills exhaust like spells. Either F or R. For example: the double weapon skill or the shield master skill of the fighter work until they fail the first time.

May I ask, why it has been decided to design those skill to work until they fail the first time? Was it out of balance reasons?

In advance thank you very much for your reply.

Customer avatar
Lucio G August 30, 2024 9:50 am UTC
Hello Lars,
it's ok to post here to ask questions ^_^

Yes, the exhaustion of the skills was included for balance reasons. Of course, in the case of a Fighter, it's a bit more dfficult to picture the exhaustion, unlike the mage's spell lsots we are used to. Try to picture it as adrenaline or similarly. The thrill of the die roll is kept, the higher the attribute and the more you're gonna use the skill, and characters will be prompted to rest before an important scene, even if they have full HP.
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Dr. Lars D August 31, 2024 7:08 am UTC
Understood. Thanks
Customer avatar
Dr. Lars D August 31, 2024 7:09 am UTC
Understood. Thanks
Customer avatar
Dr. Lars D August 27, 2024 10:31 am UTC
I have a question about advantage and disadvantage. For example you have a Rogue with the Lockpicking skill "You roll Dexterity with advantage to open and close locks" (page 26).

If the rogue now wants to lockpick a hard lock (page 50), the lock difficulty is with disadvantage.

Is there are rule how to roll the dice? with advantage (because of the skill) or with disadvantage because of the hard lock?

In advance thank you very much.

Customer avatar
Lucio G August 27, 2024 10:54 am UTC
As stated in the manual, advantage and disadvantage cancel each other, so if you have both, you roll normally. Btw, multiple instances of advantage don't stack, same goes with disadvantage. So, for example, because of many reasons you have 2 advantages and 1 disadvantage, or 1 adv and 3 dis, you still roll a normal roll, because they cancel each other.
Hope it solved your doubts! ^^

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Dr. Lars D August 27, 2024 3:06 pm UTC
Understood. Thanks for clarification!
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Dr. Lars D August 26, 2024 1:01 pm UTC
I really like this game. In the book it is mentioned that it can be easily converted to other genres.

However, I would prefer to get a True D6 for Space Opera.

Do you plan to work on True D6 for Space Opera?
Customer avatar
Lucio G August 27, 2024 10:56 am UTC
Yes, I have several collaborations starting. One of them is a space opera hack of TRUE-d6, with the atmosphere of old sci-fi movies
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Dr. Lars D August 27, 2024 3:12 pm UTC
Great. I am looking forward to the Space Opera Hack! Thanks
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Damian S August 15, 2024 3:25 am UTC
Can people make supplements for this game? I think I'm gonna like this alot!
Customer avatar
Lucio G August 27, 2024 11:22 am UTC
You write your own homebrew stuff of course, but if you intend to publish it, please contact me in pvt
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Lesley N July 31, 2024 8:56 pm UTC
Picked this up for the 5er it cost for the pdf. A very nice effort. a fully complete design, should fit into most D&D products.

I can see this being worth a POD purchase.
I always check the PC creation process. This one is nice and without difficulty.
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George F July 29, 2024 12:51 am UTC
What is the page count?
And when will the PoD be available?
Customer avatar
Lucio G July 30, 2024 3:37 pm UTC
70+ pages, POD available in a month
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Todd T July 28, 2024 8:56 pm UTC
Holy cow, I may buy this for the art alone. What fantastic drawings!
Customer avatar
Lucio G July 30, 2024 3:38 pm UTC
Thank you Todd! :D
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File Last Updated:
July 28, 2024
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