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Planetbound® Book I

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A 430-page high-end, science-fantasy game from:

Successor Games Logo



The cause of Sundeath remains an enigma. No one, not even the Lodestar, could explain why millions of stars across the Cosmos began to die at once. What was known is that the suns would simultaneously go supernova. The result would be a catastrophic loss of life in every corner of the Expanse if something could not be done to ensure survival.


The answer came with the discovery of Adytum—a single planet in the depths of space that was assured to survive the impending apocalypse. What no one could predict is that Sundeath would strand them on the planet with no way to escape... trapped...

Planetbound Logo

A complete tabletop role-playing game featuring the all-new

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Die-Strength System highlights include:

The Rule Master (RM): A new role at the game table; a player who exclusively runs the Die-Strength System, allowing the Game Master and players to stay immersed in storytelling and role-playing.

Crunch up front: The RM calculates all mechanics first, leading players to a single, edge-of-your-seat, die roll.

Fully attribute-based: Every character specification and action taken in the game is governed by one or more attributes.

d20: As they advance their characters, players gain d20s that can be used to gain advantages in particular scenarios and potentially, momentarily, seize the narrative reins of the storytelling.

Skill mechanics: Found in easy-to-use tables, critical variables are applied to the performance of both Conventional and Nova skills, giving circumstantial depth and challenge to each skill attempt.

Combat mechanics: Flowcharts are utilized to guide players through the nuances of Proximate Combat, for both one-on-one and multiple combatant situations; critical variables found in easy-to-use tables are applied to Ranged Combat, bringing circumstantial depth and challenge to every shot and throw; and Vocation-specific and general Combat Techniques, employed in both Proximate and Ranged Combat, are leveraged to give characters the advantage they need to dominate the battle or make a swift retreat.

Damage mechanics: Considerations are given to the type of damage being inflicted, a target’s resistance to that damage, and the potential for reciprocal damage.

Character progression: A dual advancement system facilitates character growth through the achievement of Archetype and Vocation-based milestones and gives the GM a tool for creating unique, character-driven adventures without the use of premade modules.

The gamebook is organized in four parts:

A premise that guides players through the compelling setting and story of Planetbound from the vantage point of two protagonists who detail the peoples, nations, and factions encountered in Book I. Includes stunning illustrations that provide a consistent look and feel for the world of Planetbound.

How to play the game, including general mechanics that consider character exertion; conventional and nova "magic" skill use; one-on-one, multiple combatants, and ranged combat; thorough damage calculations including consequences and penalties; combat techniques that are an exciting addition to combat encounters. All with in-depth rule descriptions, detailed step-by-step mechanic sequences, easy to use tables and flowcharts, and gameplay examples for clarity.

How to create a character for the game, including step-by-step character creation instructions using the detailed character sheet. Featuring 3 unique playable peoples, 12 different archetypes that define a character's role in the game, and 10 vocations with multiple "sub-class" expertise skills to choose from, providing gamers with a multitude of player character options.

Resources for the game, including tracking sheets for character status, multiple combatants combat sequences, damage calculations, and character progression; weapon, armor, and equipment specifications; detailed instructions for how the Game Master and Rule Master work together to craft games for players; plus a premise glossary with pronunciation guides and a comprehensive index to easily reference the Die-Strength System.

Hardcover and softcover editions printed in beautiful premium color for a high-end gaming experience. Formatted and color coded for ease-of-use. Each page is labeled on the outside edge for quick navigation.

Digital (PDF) edition features thorough bookmarks and links for quick navigation. Audio buttons provide players with an immersive story experience for the premise and a pronunciation guide for the glossary.

Files include 7 pages of Fillable Sheets:

Planetbound® Character Sheet

A sheet that includes everything a player needs to know to take on the role of their character.

Planetbound® Progression Tracking Sheet

A sheet for Planetbound Game Masters to create adventures using a characters Archetype and Vocation milestones.

Planetbound® Status Tracking Sheet

A sheet for Game Masters, Rule Masters, and players to keep track of the current status of their characters.

Planetbound® Multiple Combatants Tracker

A sheet for Rule Masters to track the initiative and roles of each character in a multiple combatants scenario.

Planetbound® RDC/RDI Damage Calculations Sheets

A sheet for Rule Masters to quicky calculate damage for tagets that are either capable or incapable of reciprocal damage.

Sheets are interactive with fillable fields, drop down menus, and check boxes that are fully compatable with gameplay mechanics and sequences of the

Die-Strength Logo

Files include:

CANON FODDER is a regularly updated FREE 58 page publication from Successor Games with additional information and resources for:

Planetbound Logo

including a comprehensive timeline of Planetbound events, an extensive glossary of Planetbound terms, and information/gameplay statistics for some of the wildlife found in Planetbound along with additional illustrations not seen in Planetbound® gamebooks!


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We Make HARDCORE Games!

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Joseph H August 16, 2024 8:46 am UTC
The rule master is an interesting idea, and I can see how freeing up the GM and players from having to think about the rules would be great, but... Well, what's in it for the rule master? Being a rules lawyer without actually getting to play or GM the game seems like it'd be all of the work for none of the reward. Is there something to the way the role works at the table that makes it fun? Or it is something the GM is supposed to hire someone to do on their behalf?

On that note, does the GM need to involve the rule master in session preparation, or is the rule master supposed to adjudicate the rules for whatever weird stuff the GM comes up with on-the-fly with no advance warning of what's going to happen?
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Jeremy J August 16, 2024 5:36 pm UTC
The best thing about an RM in the Die-Strength System is that it allows for the GM and players to stay in the experience of role-playing. The best thing for the RM themselves is that they are that player at the table who loves the crunch. We call them crunch-heads. They are going to track the rules and mechanics regardless. They are already RMs, without the title! The Die-Strength System gives them a formal role.

The GM and RM work as a team with clearly defined roles. Neither role is arbitrary and the GM has the final say. Under "How to Craft a Game" in Part IV of the book, a thorough explanation of how the GM and RM work together to prepare an adventure is given. Part IV also includes several sheets that the RM can use as tools during gameplay. These tools are helpful even when the GM 'comes up with whatever weird stuff on the fly.'

The crunch-heads out there have a blast in the role of RM for Planetbound® because they get to do the thing that they love at the table: master...See more
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Travis S August 23, 2024 4:10 pm UTC
Greetings Joseph. I appreciate you taking the time to comment. I’m the Rule Master for our campaigns and I’d like to paraphrase and address your questions.

1) What’s in it for the Rule Master?

In short, the enjoyment of maintaining order, consistency, and flow in the game. I think the intrinsic rewards of a Rule Master are akin to those of a referee for an organized team sporting event. I love the game and I like seeing it run well.

2) Is there something to the way the role works at the table that makes it fun?

That depends on the individual. Fun is subjective; the things I enjoy about playing may be different from the things you enjoy. I like supporting the overall gaming experience with a consistent application of rules and ensuring things are as fair as possible. I also like listening as the story unfolds and anticipating which information will likely be required next, be it rules, equipment specifications, or some obscure bit of lore. If I can...See more
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File Last Updated:
August 13, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on August 05, 2024.