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A Saboteur's Guide to Cidus IIClick to magnify

A Saboteur's Guide to Cidus II


We stand united for workers of the universe. We stand united for a future where workers can live, breathe, eat, sleep, and thrive off the fruits of their labor. We stand against autonomous worker replacement tech. We stand against biotech gene-drones.

We strike back against corporations that would see us replaced, destitute, and dead. 

We strike back against products that remove us from the corporate equation.

We are The Thinking Fist, and, more likely than not, we think of and fight for you.


•    Maintenance Workers
•    Miners/Salvagers
•    Welders/Builders
•    Surveyors/Xenocartographers
•    Retail/Service Workers
•    Lab Technicians
•    Ethical Scientists
•    Anyone willing to ensure a future for workers
•    Anyone willing to stop production of gene-drones


A Saboteur's Guide to Cidus II is a collection of system-free, in-universe artifacts that come together to create a player-driven adventure of an evil megacorporation, a cutting-edge facility, and the rebellious faction that fights back against them.

Welcome to Cidus II, the first pamphlet, is the official LifeLabor BioSciences corporate welcome literature given to visitors upon arrival at their Cidus II facility. The Thinking Fist: A Saboteur's Guide to Cidus II, the second pamphlet, is a handout created by The Thinking Fist, a group fighting back against LLBS's gene drone program, outlining a number of vulnerabilities, high-value targets, and more across the Cidus II facility.

As in-universe artifacts, both pamphlets can be handed to the players at your table as they arrive at the facility and combined, allowing them to formulate their own plan of attack, choose who to side with, what to explore, and more. This is a unique, open-ended adventure that you can hand to your players and discuss openly at the table.

Originally created as part of Outer Rim: Uprising, a massive bundle of anti-corporate rebellion for Mothership 1e by The Lost Bay Studio.

Purchase includes two, full-color A4 trifold pamphlets (Welcome to Cidus II and The Thinking Fist: A Saboteur's Guide to Cidus II) and an unlabeled technical poster map of the LifeLabor BioSciences facility, all for use at your physical or virtual table.



Writing: Christian Sorrell, Nyhur
Art: Nyhur
Layout: Christian Sorrell
Thinking Fist Font: Not Jam
Planet Art: Deep-Fold

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File Last Updated:
July 09, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on July 09, 2024.
Christian Sorrell
Publisher Average Rating