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ACKS II Revised RulebookClick to magnify
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ACKS II Revised Rulebook


Enter a world where empires stand on the brink of war, and terrible monsters tear at the fragile borderlands of men; where decaying cities teem with chaos and corruption, weeping innocents are sacrificed to chthonic cults and nobles live in decadent pleasure while the realm burns; where heroes, wizards, and rogues risk everything in pursuit of glory, fortune, and power. This is a world where adventurers can become conquerors — and conquerors can become kings!

The Adventurer Conqueror King System™ Imperial Imprint (ACKS II) is the new edition of the acclaimed bestselling fantasy role-playing game. It offers everything you need to enjoy epic fantasy campaigns with a sweeping scope. Whether you want to crawl through dungeons, experiment with alchemy, crossbreed monsters, run a merchant emporium, raise an undead legion, or conquer an empire, ACKS II supports your playstyle. The ACKS II Revised Rulebook features:

  • 18 character classes, each with 8 quick-start templates featuring pre-selected proficiencies, spells, equipment, and encumbrance that let you start playing in minutes!
  • 110 proficiencies carefully selected to help you customize your character to your taste without risk of skill traps, min-max chains, or feat taxes.
  • 378 spells carefully calibrated for long campaigns that ascend from dungeon delves to pitched battles with armies. Magic doesn't have to make a game world implausible or unbalanced anymore!
  • Dungeon delving mechanics that let your adventurers interact with the subterranean environment by spelunking, rappelling, traversing, and more.
  • Wilderness expedition rules that bring the challenges and dangers of the wild to life, including mechanics for wilderness survival, inclement weather, and more.
  • Sea voyage and naval warfare system with mechanics for boarding, grappling, ramming, rowing, sailing, and siege weapons.
  • Combat mechanics that play like a realistic simulation of ancient hand-to-hand battle at low levels and a cinematic emulation of the legendary exploits of demigods and heroes at high levels.
  • Stronghold and domain rules that allow you to establish domains, rule realms, take vassals, establish a senate, and more.
  • Hijinks and hideout rules that let high-level thieves run their own criminal guild or spy network, dispatching their ruffians to racketeer, smuggle, surveil, and steal.
  • Magic research mechanics that go beyond spell design and magic item manufacture. Crossbreed monsters, construct golems, practice necromancy, and engage in magical experiments with unforeseeable consequences.
  • Mercantile venture system that let you set up a trade routes, build and manage caravans and merchant fleets, start and run businesses, engage in moneylending, and more.
  • Mass combat mechanics, with scalable rules for raising and organizing armies ranging from dozens to hundreds of thousands of soldiers, maneuvering them on the strategic theater, maintaining lines of supply, and fighting pitched battles and sieges.
  • And much, much more!


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Reviews (29)
Discussions (10)
Customer avatar
Michael A February 02, 2025 3:18 pm UTC
What are the differences between the two systems. I have almost all of the first and am loath to rebuy something that isn't better. Is there a compare and contrast posted somewhere.
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Alexander M February 02, 2025 5:55 pm UTC
Great question.
1) ACKS II incorporates about 10 years worth of improvements into the game mechanics. Domains are easier to handle (no more recursive math), mercantile ventures are easier to run, and spell research is better integrated into the system. A lot of edge cases are clarified and the game is overall better balanced.
2) ACKS II covers a lot of areas that ACKS I didn't cover. For instance it has rules for spelunking through caves and for sailing voyages, a weather generation system, terrain generation system, and more.
3) ACKS II incorporates many of the various sub systems that were published in Axioms over the years, such as overcasting, creating custom races, etc.

Worth noting is that ACKS II was transitioned off the OGL, which necessitated some changes to names of classes, spells, monsters, items, etc.
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Michael A February 04, 2025 1:50 pm UTC
thank you for the response, is there a hard copy version of the system
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Andrew K January 29, 2025 3:22 am UTC
I have a simple question. Do arcane spell casters still have a limited repertoire of spells that can only be changed with spell level x 1 week of game time and 1000 gp, as in ACKS I?
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Alexander M January 29, 2025 3:34 am UTC
They do have a limited repertoire, but changing spells is easier. It simply requires access to the spell formula and 1 week of study.
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Ernesto C January 27, 2025 2:13 am UTC
Hello, is there any chance that you can add somewhere the character sheets without the drive though watermark?
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Alexander M January 27, 2025 2:28 am UTC
You should be able to find unwatermarked character sheets in the zip file that's available for download!
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Kenneth C January 21, 2025 1:14 pm UTC
Would love to purchase all the PDF’s, but I prefer the discount of getting books/PDF’s at the same time (usually PDF’s are included in the book cost for a modest amount). If I buy the PDF now, will there be a discount for the book in the future? Or should I wait.
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Alexander M January 21, 2025 11:53 pm UTC
Hi Kenneth! Great question - thanks for asking it.

What I have historically done is this. When POD becomes available, I email all customers who bought the PDF and offer them a coupon to buy the POD with the price of the PDF subtracted. That works for about 80% of people. However, some people have turned off promotional emails and so they don't get the discount coupon and others simply have strong spam filters that divert them.

If you prefer to avoid marketing emails from DTRPG or are worried you'd miss the coupon, then you should hold off until ~ March as that's when I anticipate having POD books available and you'll be able to buy them as a bundle deal.
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Andrew M January 21, 2025 7:45 am UTC
Not sure if you get notifications for edits to reviews, so just a note to say I changed up my review having discovered new information about the bookmarking.
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Alexander M January 21, 2025 11:53 pm UTC
Thanks for letting me know! Cheers.
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Thalles D January 19, 2025 8:17 pm UTC
Recently picked this up and I am just blown away. It is essentially a polished B/X or 1E rules set. You could take the core game and play any OSR modules with it. However where it shines is in the added depth of material and rules that all appear to be internally consistent and designed with purpose. Do your players want to engage in naval warfare? The game has rules you can use. Do they want to set up an assassin's guild? Raise an army and lead it into battle? Set up a trade route? All covered. Any other games will get you to either make up rules or leave you searching for third party products to crib the material you need from. Here is it all in the core books ready for your use if the game progresses in that direction.

I really don't see the point of playing OSE anymore. This is an evolution that just make that rules set obsolete for me.
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DIOGO A January 15, 2025 1:11 am UTC
Is there going to be a POD option ?
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Alexander M January 15, 2025 1:34 am UTC
There will be probably a POD version later in the year, but not until after the Kickstarter backers have received their hardcopies. We have a strict policy that KS backers ALWAYS get their hardcopies first, so that often means POD is held back.
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Corey S January 29, 2025 8:00 pm UTC
What would be interesting to me would be POD options that let you make the chapters individual books to make it easier to manage physically.
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RODRIGO R January 10, 2025 5:12 pm UTC
I've got a few questions about the game's system:
(1) How similar is it to BX? Would it be easy to teach the basics of the system to casual BX people?
(2) How does the skill system work?
(3) How exactly does the system prevent magic from breaking the verisimilitude of the setting, especially at high levels?
(4) What's your take on the system's wilderness survival rules?
(5) Are there any rules specifically designed for dungeoneering?
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Alexander M January 10, 2025 10:27 pm UTC
(1) The core mechanics are similar to BX. A compatibility guide is included with the book that explains all the differences you need to know to convert to/from BX, AD&D, OSE, and similar games.
(2) The skill system combines both "feats" and "skills" into one set of "proficiencies". Proficiencies either grant the ability to do something ("diagnose illnesses") or they grant a bonus ("+1 to initiative").
(3) It does some in a number of ways.
(a) Spells are capped at 6th level. 7th, 8th, and 9th level spells exist only as "rituals" which are complex and expensive to cast.
(b) Spells cannot sustain permanent effects. A low-level caster cannot simply light up a city with Continual Light.
(c) There is no error-free teleportation; every teleportation puts you at risk of oblivion.
(d) There is no risk-free scrying. If you scry on enemies they have a chance to notice.
(e) The area of effect of blast spells is...See more
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RODRIGO R January 14, 2025 7:04 pm UTC
Thank you very much for your time and attention!
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RODRIGO R January 14, 2025 7:04 pm UTC
Thank you very much for your time and attention!
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Michael M January 10, 2025 4:52 pm UTC
Can I get a printed version?
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Bard E January 11, 2025 2:34 am UTC
First print run is underway currently. Autarch usually makes physical books available here and though his website but that will likely happen after the first lot are shipped.
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Apio D December 30, 2024 3:22 am UTC
Deleted discussions and so many glowing reviews so fast make this game seem very suspicious.
Why not at least include a preview?
What I remember seeing from the first ACKS, it seemed like a good game, if only too close to early d&d rather than its own thing, other than the slightly different setting.
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Alexander M December 30, 2024 4:42 am UTC
But there's a flipbook preview enabled for pages 1 to 21? I just verified it myself. In general, ACKS II had a huge Kickstarter ($330,000) with a two-year playtest and 2,000 backers. It has a much larger and vocal community than ACKS 1E did with a lot more Actual Plays, reviews, and discussions available. Come by our Discord if you want to talk to actual community members about the game. It's large and active.
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Duane M December 30, 2024 7:05 pm UTC
ACKS II doesn't diverge greatly from ACKS I, but having had access to all of the pre-release materials, I can say that if one likes B/X, this is an excellent iteration on it. I'd argue that ACKS is best-in-class if you are looking for a game that emphasizes empire building as it's endgame.

Unfortunately, many people on the internet seem to be unable to handle having reasonable discussions about the game itself w/o attacking the author (rightly or wrongly, I will not make a judgement especially in this particular space) about his political beliefs and prior employment. Discussion of the game on the biggest OSR and RPG subreddits is banned.

I'm sure author will put up a preview at some point, but he's also working on getting books shipped as well as the Treasure Tome.
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Alexander M December 30, 2024 7:18 pm UTC
I thought I had put up a preview but backers on ACKS Discord are reporting that the preview isn't showing up. I've sent a message to DriveThruRPG Publisher Rep support. This is my first new title set up on the new DriveThruRPG site so perhaps I have failed an INT check and am doing something wrong. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I will get it sorted.
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Alexander M December 30, 2024 11:04 pm UTC
Preview now working - thank you for your patience. It turns out the new site is not compatible with flipbook previews so I added a 20-page PDF preview instead.
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Donald P December 31, 2024 4:30 am UTC
I purchased the game, and I've been very pleased with it. It is at its heart a game we are all familiar with (2e D&D and leaning into the proficiencies) and importantly a VERY thought-out world building construction. The breadth of the game's coverage is astounding.

The authors are well aware of their design choices and describe the difference between going on a real safari trip vs a sanitized Wild Animal theme park visit.

Like a lot of early D&D, this is a game where you go from Ordinary to Extraordinary. 1st level characters are much closer to ordinary. Comparing 1st level characters of D&D 2024 edition to these 2e versions, it is very clear - the power levels for the 2024 (and 2014 version) are just so much more powerful. 5e 2024 (and 2014) is a game of heroes growing to be superheroes. If playing that style of 5e super-powered game isn't your preference, and you would like to try a well-grounded 250 AD medieval style game based on plausible...See more
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Apio D December 31, 2024 5:38 am UTC
I can see the preview now! Looks great, thanks for fixing it.
Pretty cool to see so many pages dedicated to what other systems don't address (or address as "just figure it our yourself lol").
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Stacie W January 01, 2025 4:43 am UTC
The big difference between ACKS I and ACKS II is that first edition was a single book of around 250 pages or so and second edition got split into three books totaling 1,500 pages.
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David J February 07, 2025 2:00 am UTC
I agree that the enormous outpouring of glowing reviews, with virtually no neutral or negative reviews, makes me very wary. It's suspicious, to say the least.

The preview I read was decent, though, and has me closer to being on the fence than I was before.
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