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Cthulhu by Gaslight: Investigators' Guide - PDF


Adventure, Mystery, & Horror in the 1890s

In the Sewers

What's Inside

Cthulhu by Gaslight takes the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game to the fog-shrouded streets of Great Britain and beyond.

A New Setting

Cult Monsters

The 1880s—Victorian England. Mystery and adventure in fog-shrouded streets and alleyways. Secret cabals commit grisly murder, wicked crimes, and pledge to bring about the ruin of civilization—all within the square mile of the City of London.

Map of London

The Complete Rules


Cthulhu by Gaslight is a stand-alone game, and contains the complete rules for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game, including character creation. You do not need a copy of the Call of Cthulhu: Keeper Rulebook or Call of Cthulhu: Starter Set to play. The Cthulhu by Gaslight: Investigators’ Guide can be enhanced with the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game as well as the Pulp Cthulhu supplement, both available separately.

A Cthulhu Statue

Everything You Need

Facing a Skeleton

A complete list of weapons and equipment appropriate for the Gaslight-period. Rules for exploring in the 1890s, and extensive information on Fringe Science and the Occult practices of the time. The book also includes 10 pre-generated Cthulhu by Gaslight Investigators.

The Faeries


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Don F November 25, 2024 10:22 pm UTC
What are the differences between this and the original Cthulhu by Gaslight? I have the earlier book. What more would I be getting from this, other than improved art?
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John M December 16, 2024 10:34 pm UTC
A LOT more detail and a lot more input from British writers. The old edition was what? About 150 pages? The new edition has 290 pages not including the index. The Keeper's book (due Q1 2025) will be 255 pages not including index. So together that's 545 pages versus the old edition's 150 (it combined investigator stuff, keeper stuff and scenario stuff from memory).

Stuff like social class in the old editions was dealt with in a couple of pages. New edition devotes about 70 pages to class and social stuff in Victorian Britain and working class characters are more viable.

While the old editions, again from distant memory, were good, they were also, I understand, mainly written by Americans. Nothing wrong with that... but having folk like Mike Mason, Keris McDonald and Lynne Hardy involved has brought a better level of detail about British history to the setting. Just IMHO.
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Harald H November 23, 2024 8:49 am UTC
That sounds like a very nice variant of the standart CoC. Probably interesting for newcomers that know they want to play in a Victorian setting.
But can you tell me what use this book has for people that already own the mainstream (1920/Modern) investigator book and material for the Victorian era?
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Paul D November 24, 2024 4:35 am UTC
Absolutely nothing. It's a standalone product so you do not need access to previously released CoC rulesets.

If you're just getting into CoC it may be worth a look, but otherwise, nah. (Unless you want the Victorian setting info, which I guarantee will most likely not be worth the asking price.)

It's kinda like Pulp CoC and all the other spin-offs, you get a core book based on the mythos with some extra flavour thrown in (which may or may not be to your tastes) and you choose if you wanna splurge or not. Honestly, if you have the core player's book, the keeper's book, and your imagination, you do not need anything else.
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Timothy V November 24, 2024 5:01 pm UTC
Honestly if your in it for the setting id wait on the keeper book
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Justin S November 21, 2024 6:01 pm UTC
Enjoying it so far (PDF direct since I ordered a hardcover). But I am wondering - is there any word when the Gaslight Keeper's guide will be coming out?
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John M December 16, 2024 10:08 pm UTC
Q1 of 2025. So sometime before April most likely
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File Last Updated:
December 27, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on November 20, 2024.