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Sun County (1992)

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Sun County

Sun County - RuneQuest Adventures in the Land of the Sun

Sun County in Prax is a small enclave of staunchly independent farmers. Their stubborn ways have resisted nomads, famine and drought for centuries. Strangers are not welcome in the Land of the Sun, but many are drawn there by the promise of gold, fame, and adventure. Do you dare enter the Sun Dome lands?

Sun County is a Gloranthan campaign supplement for the RuneQuest roleplaying game, containing:

  • Four scenarios ready for play
  • Extensive historical notes on Sun County and its culture
  • Profiles of important persons and peoples of the region
  • Full description of the Yelmalio cult
  • Extensive detailed encounter tables
  • Personal notes and observations of Jaxarte Whyded, Commissioner of the Imperial Census, on his travels through the land
  • Sundry useful and ornamental details of interest to the Gloranthan scholar.
  • A new foreword by RPG Historian Shannon Appelcline

This is a remastered edition of the RuneQuest 3rd Edition Classic Sun County, the book that launched the first RuneQuest Renaissance back in 1992. Like the other RuneQuest Classics, it has not been updated to use the current edition of the rules.

Conversion notes are in the back of the RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha Core Rulebook or download the free conversion guide.

What the reviewers say

  • “It feels a bit ridiculous to sit here in 2024 and have to say nice things about Sun County. Telling you Sun County stands shoulder-to-shoulder with some of the greatest RQ game books (or heck, game books in general) feels like explaining that water is wet and chocolate is really good. It feels like something we just all know. Yet RuneQuest Roleplaying in Glorantha has initiated a lot of new members into the Glorantha Tribe, and they need to know how good this book was (and now “is”)... Sun County is a must for Glorantha fans, particularly those who enjoy its spiritual successors like the Sandheart series or Life and Traditions under the Sun Dome — Andrew Logan Montgomery.
  • "The new edition has been carefully crafted to maintain the integrity of the original while incorporating modern touches. Enhanced with color interiors in its hardcover version, it serves both as a nostalgic piece for long-time fans and an accessible entry point for new players. This edition includes scenarios, detailed cultural and historical notes, and contributions from a talented team of creators, including Michael O’Brien, Ken Rolston, and Greg Stafford, among others." — TGN Tabletop Gaming News.
  • "What a setting supplement this is! [The full color hardcover] sits very appealingly next to my Games Workshop hardcovers, like it’s an artifact from a parallel universe where Games Workshop never stopped putting out Chaosium RPGs under licence." — Refereeing and Reflection.
  • "Sun County shines... it deserves a place in any RuneQuest fan's collection." — Runeblogger.
  • "As a book delving into more Gloranthan history and culture, Sun County is precious... The scenarios presented are some of the best available in RuneQuest [3rd edition]." — Vintage RPG.
  • "An instant classic." — Shannon Appelcline, Designers & Dragons.
  • "9/10 – I can certainly see why so many people over the years have spoken so highly about RuneQuest: Sun County... there are plenty of modern RPG publishers who WISH they could pack as much excellent roleplaying gaming goodness into 200 pages as you'll find in these 124 pages." — The Gaming Gang.
The Sun Dome Temple

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Jeff M January 08, 2025 5:20 pm UTC
Reviewed by Jeff McAleer of The Gaming Gang on YouTube.
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Michael B December 10, 2024 10:06 pm UTC
I recall owning this back in the 90s for Deluxe Runequest. I liked this due to the wealth of material that allowed me to build my own Yelmalio template from the Sun County. So yeah this will serve as a companion to Dragon Pass for RQ in Glorantha, which I use to convert the old MRQ2 Elric of Melniboné over to.
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Alexander W December 01, 2024 9:00 am UTC
I bought it, and i have to say awesome pdf. It is a really good remastered PDF all is in place and you can finally get the PDF on a legal way. Chaosium you made my day. Now i Hope that we can get the rest of the Third Edition line in the same High quality PDF´s.
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File Last Updated:
January 13, 2025
This title was added to our catalog on November 30, 2024.