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Listen Up You Primitive Screwheads!!!!!Click to magnify
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Listen Up You Primitive Screwheads!!!!!

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"Bob's super-Solo's killing everything he meets!"

"My players always start the adventure in a bar!"

"Why can't I get anyone to play Netrunners??"

Does this sound like YOU? Refs. Let's be honest. You've heard this kind of whining before -- and aren't you sick of it? I mean just fed up to here ... so much that you wanted to leap across the table and kill the guy!?'s YOU?

Before you resort to cyberenhanced suicide; examine the alternative: Listen Up You Primitive Screwheads!!!! The Unexpurgated CyberPunk Referee's Guide. We grabbed six of CYBERPUNK's best (and most opinionated) Referees, writers, and players, as well as the creator himself, by the scruffs of their necks and made them tell us what to do:

  • How to start a Campaign
  • Good character rule choices -- that aren't just Solos
  • When your players think that they're smarter than you.
  • Beef up your Lifepath: Why should the Cybergen kids get all the angst?
  • How to run combat against an ex-Marine -- and not lose all your NPCs in the first round
  • As a bonus, you get Uncle Mike's Dirty Tricks: notes by the Master from a thousand savage conventions

BUT WAIT -- there's more:

  • Blowing Things up for Pleasure & Profit -- and Explosives system that's realistic and works!
  • And a completely indexed list of all the new skills and rules ever published!
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Reviews (4)
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November 14th, 2022
I'll make it short. Is it worth the five dollars? Yes. Can you get any use from the text inside to improve your games? Yes. Does it add more to the cyberpunk world that helps the gm make a more detailed mental image of what cyberpunk 2020 is? Yes. [...]
March 15th, 2021
If you would like poorly edited essays on why you should put more "gotcha" moments and TPK in your games, you can pay for it here. Or you could just search the internet and get likeminded GM to say that it is better to assert power over your [...]
Megan R. [Featured Reviewer]
January 9th, 2019
Subtitled "The Unexpurgated Cyberpunk Referee's Guide", this is a rather chatty guide through the art and science of running your Cyberpunk game. However many rules there are in the core rulebook and supplements, as soon as the game actually [...]
December 7th, 2008
I bought this PDF on the recommendation of a friend after I had asked him about texts to improve my games mastering. I have never played Cyberpunk, and so some of the advice in this book - and indeed the whole tone of it - was a bit of a miss fo [...]
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File Last Updated:
April 02, 2019
This title was added to our catalog on September 14, 2007.