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Jack Frost is jealous. The Easter bunny is hopping mad. And the less said about the tooth fairy, the better. Christmas keeps spreading deeper into the year, and other anthropomorphic entities are starting to take it out on Santa. But he’s got enough on, so he needs help to save Christmas.

That’s where you come in.

You’re Naughty-listers. Ordinary, mundane folk looking to get your name moved onto the other list—the one with presents and not lumps of coal or visits from Krampus. You’re part of a shadowy organisation that feels both government supported—can you justify that expenditure?—and above the law—you’re sure these Tinsel Cannons are tested and street legal?—headed by a decidedly eldritch elf called Aadhya.

You’re the Mythbreakers and the last line of defence of good old St Nicholas and Christmas.

Mythbreakers is a Genre Setup for Sanction, the game of challenge-driven stories and heroes raised from the rabble. You’ll need a copy of Sanction’s core rules, a bunch of willing gamers, paper (or anything suitable for character sheets), pens/pencils, and a bunch of polyhedral dice.

It might be handy to have Christmas just around the corner to cement the backdrop, but when festivities stretch into infinity, Christmas is always around the corner.

This is a living supplement, meaning it will expand and change after you buy it, and the Genre will expand to include more material.

This is Version 0.1. As it stands, Mythbreakers includes:

  • New Lifepath tables for naughty-lister characters.
  • Adventure guidance and three adventure seeds.
  • Creature guidance and stats for Jack Frost.
  • Artefacts Against Festivity.
  • Guidance and mechanics for cold and freezing.

Requires a copy of Sanction to play.

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File Last Updated:
December 05, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on December 05, 2024.
Just Crunch Games
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