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The Barony of Amberwood: A complete drop in setting for any fanstasy Tabletop RPG
by Richard [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/08/2023 23:23:22

Seeing as how I complained about there being no better preview, I thought it only fair to write a review after I bought the product. Remember, it is only $1.70 and I really enjoyed product. So much so I bought other products from the writer. The book does a good job going through the barony. Main town, hamlets and villages complete with backstory and NPCs as well as a rough map of the barony and where things are located. However I wish there was more. More maps, more ruins, more things that would really make it come alive. But you cannot have all that for a $1.70. Also, it allows you to make the barony your own. Nothing really set in stone or anything. All of this makes me look forward to buying future products from the writer. Remember, its only $1.70.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Barony of Amberwood: A complete drop in setting for any fanstasy Tabletop RPG
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