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Evocative One Page Fantasy Side Quests and Encounters I
by Nathan [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/26/2023 21:06:01

Wicked Cool Games's Evocative One Page Side Quests is another great release from the small publisher. The author does a great job keeping each side quest down to a minimum but still offering nice twists like optional complications and the requisite hook and motivation options. The writing style is simple and ... sorry for the pun .... evocative. I particularly appreciate that each encounter comes with a map for players and a map for the GM. The style is written for more of an osx system but I play a 5e game regularly. These encounters are easily adaptable since stats are easy to plug-and-play with 5e stuff. Most of what this product does is give the GM a quick germ of an idea and fleshes it out so you don't have to do that leg work.

I appreciate the concise nature and intent of the product and will certainly look for more from them in the coming months.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Evocative One Page Fantasy Side Quests and Encounters I
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The Murk's Curse
by Sean S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/31/2023 09:43:56

The Murk's Curse is a great supliment for a short adventure or series of one-off encounters. It's well organized and has everything you need to time the encounters togehter, and not too interwound that you can't use one without the others. I liked it for "drop in" side-quest or two to provide my game world more depth. It's ready to go and easy to run.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Murk's Curse
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