Other comments left for this publisher: |
Good supplement with a number of interesting locations. Maps are very good (Hârn-style). Great if you need a small settlement to use in any low fantasy campaign.
The PDF is not formatted correctly ... The Fool's Moon logo is centered at full strength on TOP of the text and images making it impossible to read. Not sure how to get this fixed.
Creator Reply: |
The watermark has been a bit haphazard product to product. The issue has been resolved with this product. I have been going through the catalogue and fixing this issue slowly. My apologies for the headaches this may have caused. Contact information is at the start of every product we release and I will resolves issues as quickly as I can. |
Funny, light-hearted, and sexy, with plenty of misfiring magic, this comic is a must for anthropomorphics fans who always wanted to play an RPG where the main character is the dragon instead of the knight.
A great mystery adventure for the Mhar Fantasy RPG, with information on converting the game-specific mechanics to D&D4e, Pathfinder, and Ars Magica. The interior art and maps are very good, the writing clear and well-formatted, and the characters and story are very well developed. All in all, a great adventure module in the classic old-school style.
I don't use the Mhar Role Playing Game or use their setting, but I do find their city & settlements very useful to help expand the unpublished cities & settlements in my campaign set on Harnworld. The maps and settlement detail are very nice and make it fairly easy to drop them into my campaign. The only thing I didn't like about The City of Livry was the fact that there was no color map of the city included. The last page promises a full color poster map of the city (which I didn't expect as it is a pdf version of the product), but it would have been nice to have a color map included in the pdf. All of their other cities & settlement products come with both color and black & white maps. All in all, a very good product.
Creator Reply: |
Sorry it has taken me so long to reply to the review. I hope/believe I have fixed the colour city map issue. If there is anyone still missing that page, please let me know directly kevin@foolsmoon.com and I will provide it. |
I am giving this product three stars because I only paid 75 cents for it. What you get is a description of the ship and a "battle map" of a ship, drawn out in hexes. Yes, hexes. Not squares. Hexes. The picture of the ship does not suck. The information about the ship itself is somewhat interesting. I would describe this product as a "lazy pdf" because the publishers did not even bother to give it a cover. The picture of the ship you see here looks like a cover...but it isn't. This picture only appears in the listing for the item. It appears in the pdf as a very small item. Gamers who want to use this "battle map" with miniatures might want to know that the map is not large...it is a small map with small hexes. You cannot print it out and plunk it down for tonight's game. Given the effort that goes into making a pdf product, one wonders why publishers do not bother to do them right...not even including the most basic features. At 75 cents, you get what you paid for. Buyer beware.
I am giving this product three stars because I only paid 75 cents for it. What you get is a description of the ship and a "battle map" of a ship, drawn out in hexes. Yes, hexes. Not squares. Hexes. The picture of the ship does not suck. The information about the ship itself is somewhat interesting. I would describe this product as a "lazy pdf" because the publishers did not even bother to give it a cover. The picture of the ship you see here looks like a cover...but it isn't. This picture only appears in the listing for the item. It appears in the pdf as a very small item. Gamers who want to use this "battle map" with miniatures might want to know that the map is not large...it is a small map with small hexes. You cannot print it out and plunk it down for tonight's game. Given the effort that goes into making a pdf product, one wonders why publishers do not bother to do them right...not even including the most basic features. At 75 cents, you get what you paid for. Buyer beware.
I am giving this product three stars because I only paid 75 cents for it. What you get is a description of the ship and a "battle map" of a ship, drawn out in hexes. Yes, hexes. Not squares. Hexes. The picture of the ship does not suck. The information about the ship itself is somewhat interesting. I would describe this product as a "lazy pdf" because the publishers did not even bother to give it a cover. The picture of the ship you see here looks like a cover...but it isn't. This picture only appears in the listing for the item. It appears in the pdf as a very small item. Gamers who want to use this "battle map" with miniatures might want to know that the map is not large...it is a small map with small hexes. You cannot print it out and plunk it down for tonight's game. Given the effort that goes into making a pdf product, one wonders why publishers do not bother to do them right...not even including the most basic features. At 75 cents, you get what you paid for. Buyer beware.
Watch out! The description of this product just says that the "Merchants and Mariners line continues" with this product. There is no mention of a battle map...and for a good reason: THERE IS NO MAP. Without a map...even one drawn on hexes like the other products in this series, this pdf is not worth even the 75 cents I paid for it. This product is a waste of your time to download it.
Creator Reply: |
Mark emailed me about this at the start of July, but I was unavailable to fix the mistake. The correct file has been uploaded. I apologize to everyone for this oversight. |
THis product gives a description of a galley style ship. It includes statistics dimensional statistics and crew breakdown. There are some gaming statistics for the ship, sch as how much damage the hull can take. There is a comparison of ship points to hit points damage caused by spells. This would vary depending on what system you were using. There is enough information there to adapt it to any game system.
Good: There are some brief ideas for game encounters. There is a map of the main deck. And I liked the non-gaming statistics of the ship.
Bad: There is no map of the lower decks.
Overall: If you needed details of a galley type ship, this product is above average. It is even more appealing considering the price.
Mhâr Fantasy Game Master’s Book, for the Mhâr Fantasy RPG by Greg Older and published by Fools’ Moon Entertainment. It is an one hundred fifty four-page product with a simple and easy enough to read layout. The cover is in color with a full color map on the back “cover” while the interior art is all black and white.
Mhâr Fantasy is set in a world very much like medieval Europe, right down to using versions of real world religions of the period (Christianity and Islam) as part of the background. The author notes that they have no wish to offend anyone but seek a setting grounded in reality. This book supplements the Mhâr Fantasy Player Handbook, which contains the core rules and mechanics for play, and both are needed to play the game.
The product begins with a brief fictional slice of the world, followed by an introduction to games mastering roleplaying games. The advice is solid and designed to support the style of play that the creator of Mhâr envisions for the world. This section gives an overview of information on the world, the people within it and the various powers that be. This section ends with a useful lexicon of world specific terms.
The next chapter deals with the mechanics of the system from skill use, combat and magic. This chapter is filled with examples to clarify the use of the mechanics. This section is useful for understanding the system.
The next sections deal with time and movement, movement includes land and ship travel as well as tactical movement and goes into considerably detail in the technology of medieval travel, which is quite interesting. Then the supporting cast is addressed, non-player characters and animals.
Chapter six, covers combat in greater detail. This chapter in nicely organized with charts for reference and some examples. Chapter seven cover the supernatural from spell-casting and alchemy to miracles along with rules for fear.
Chapter eight covers immaterial rewards such as experience and reputation. While chapter nine deals with material rewards and traps, several examples are included, as well as rule for magic items and their creation.
Chapter Ten comprises an extensive bestiary ranging from useful NPC types to animals to fantastic beasts and monsters -fae, demons, elementals and the undying-. Quite enough to keep any group busy for some time while providing enough information to develop your own creatures as needed.
The next chapter is advice for building stories and sagas, which is solid advice for a game’s master on how to structure games. The final chapter details Calshire as a place to start one’s saga, providing a strong setting overview to work with and places to find adventure in. The product ends with a useful index, an even more useful glossary and two pages of weapons and armor charts.
A very solid product but also very strongly tied to the Mhâr setting. If you are interested in a more traditional medieval fantasy setting, Mhâr may very well be what you are looking for. The setting and game are both well done and worth looking at.
Mhâr Fantasy Plasyer’s Handbook, for the Mhâr Fantasy RPG by Greg Older and published by Fools’ Moon Entertainment. It is a one hundred eighteen page product with a simple and easy enough to read layout. The cover is in color with a full color map on the back “cover” while the interior art is all black and white.
Mhâr Fantasy is set in a world very much like medieval Europe, right down to using versions of real world religions of the period (Christianity and Islam) as part of the background. The author notes that they have no wish to offend anyone but seek a setting grounded in reality:
“Though presentation of each religion within this setting is made to be as balanced and true as possible without intended prejudice, keep in mind that medieval society, especially in Christendom, was exceptionally bigoted. [. . .] Remember that part of the game’s theme is the exploration and understanding of other cultures . . .”
The book begins with a discussion of the world, its history and an overview of the Kingdom of Anæland, the default setting. A glossary of world specific terms is also provided in this section which is very useful.
The system begins next, it is a straightforward system that should be easy enough for any gamer to pick up. It uses a D20 for task resolution, seeking to roll under or equal to the target number. It is a simple and solid system that includes rules for contesting skill against skill and for resolving long term projects.
Character creation is a point buy system with the ability to take flaws for additional points to build with. Seven races are available, the standard human, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, goblins, Hood (fox-people) and Nicila (cat-folk). Several pre-built character archetypes are provided to ease character construction and demonstrate the flexibility of the character creation system. There are some nice touches to the skill system, such as a character gains extra damage with a weapon as she becomes more skilled with it.
Magic is divided into the power of faith, with each faith having a few rituals that are unique to it, and the magic of wizard, alchemists and spellweavers, each with its own style of magic. Miracles are more reliable but more structured, while magic is more flexible but more dangerous.
Character advancement is by improving specific facets of a character and includes rules for training outside of adventuring. The product ends with a good index, collection of useful tables and a character sheet.
The Mhâr Fantasy Player’s Handbook is half of a solid game, certainly everything you need to start playing the game as a player. Mhâr Fantasy is obviously a work of love by it creators and is very much crafted to match the play style of those campaigns, which may not be yours. But it has many interesting ideas that may be applicable to other games as well.
The Grimoire series is an e-zine to be released on a quarterly basis in support of the yet-to-be-published Mhar Fantasy campaign setting. Alas, Grimoire #2 appeared almost nine months ago and represents the second of a sum total of two releases by this company. I fear that they have fallen into the pattern of so many e-publishers (e.g., Steel Magic Studios). There is an initial burst of enthusiasm generating some very promising game resources?and then nothing. Volume #3 of this series looked especially interesting to me as it was to deal with medieval town and city life. However, its scheduled release date of ?Fall/Winter ?04? has come and gone and there is no sign that it will ever see the light of day. The same goes for the Mhar Fantasy core book.
More?s the pity for me because Fool?s Moon Entertainment?s materials are exactly the type of thing I want and use in my fantasy game. But perhaps that is the problem. This is not for players leading impossibly huge armies sweeping from horizon to horizon doing battle with the Ultimate Evil. The Grimoire--and I assume the Mhar campaign setting if it exists?primarily accommodates a low-fantasy ?historical medieval? setting. From what I gather, however, this is not necessarily the most popular category of the RPG market. Perhaps Fool?s Moon has decided that the trouble is not worth the effort.
This issue of the Grimoire covers three topics:
1) Minstrels, their training, and their instruments. This section explains the process by which someone can rise through the ranks to become a guild-approved minstrel. An explanation of one of the minstrel guilds? bureaucracies (the Harpers Guild) is provided. Also of interest is a set ?encounter? tables by which one can determine the success of minstrel?s performance given the particular environment in which the minstrel performs (e.g., carnival, pub, private performance for royalty, etc.). A dozen or so musical instruments, both historical and fantastical, are described.
2) The Domi, a Gypsy-like semi-nomadic people are described. It?s the familiar ?culture, creed, laws, and lifestyle of the folk? type of article. It?s a well-done piece, although it probably does cover ground that has been done in other write-ups in other RPGs.
3) Nothran, a small community built on the remains of an old roadhouse located at the crossing of two trade routes. Nothran is populated by 200 or so permanent residents although the transient population can be much greater and fluctuates depending on the time of year. Aside from specific locations within the town, the surrounding area is also described and several adventure seeds are provided. Several nicely done contour maps (B/W and color-versions for the players and the GM are provided) accompany this section. Also included is a set of interior drawings for Nothran?s roadhouse/inn. This was my favorite part of the Grimoire.
Both Grimoires are generic publications in the sense that they have very little rule-specific/dependent data in them. Apart to some vague references to D20 in one or two spots, the information can be used in any medieval era campaign. In particular, however, I think they would be of great utility to GMs running a Harn campaign. While Harniacs are frequently notorious in their unwillingness to use anything that doesn?t precisely jibe with the published canonical writings (witness the Great Potato War on Harnforum.com), I?d think even the most anal retentive Harn GM would find a something useful here.
Indeed it appears that the authors are heavily influenced by Columbia Games? Harn materials. The Grimoire?s 39 pages (38 pages of material plus the cover) remind me a great deal of Harn supplements. The format is the same, even down to the page numbering scheme (i.e., each chapter is numbered separately?this facilitates its placement in a binder in whatever order the GM finds handiest). Like most Harn materials the Grimoire is designed to be three-hole punched and put into a binder. The maps (which, as I mentioned above, are very nicely done in both B/W and color) also have a Harn look and feel. If I had to guess, I?d say that the Mhar setting core book, if it has been written, would be immediately familiar to any Harn afficianado.
With a bit of tweaking, much of the material in here could also be dropped into a Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay campaign. Some updating might be required as Warhammer takes place in a pseudo-1500?s world as opposed to the pseudo-middle ages setting of Mhar. The Nothran write up would be a very good add on to any WHFRP characters who are on the road.
Anywho, I hope that Fool?s Moon has not given up on RPG writing. Perhaps the Grimoires were a way of testing the waters before the authors decided to take the time and trouble to write a full-blown RPG core book. Even if they nix the campaign book, it would nice if they continued to release the Grimoires.
To sum up, Fool?s Moon has put out some very good stuff to be recommend to anyone running a ?low-fantasy-medieval? campaign.
<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Really liked the maps.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Aside from some spelling and grammar errors I can?t find much to complain about here. I like the illustrations within the book, most of which are very well done, however one or two of them depict races which I can only describe as ?furries.? I am not a furry fan. However, this is a personal gripe and not an inherent fault of the book.
<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
First in a quarterly series of e-zines to support the upcoming Mhar fantasy roleplaying game, this is an admirable first effort. Even though it is a support publication for Mhar, it is sufficiently generic enough in its information to be usable for almost any fantasy game. It gives the reader a clear, concise way to handle the lower classes and their lives without going overboard on details. The system for constructing logical medieval villages is very well done and makes perfect sense.
Primarily human-centric, the other races are only briefly mentioned. I suspect that we'll get more detailed info in an upcoming Grimoire or the actual rulebook. All in all, a worthwhile purchase if your world is medieval in focus, the lower citizenry play a prominent role, and you don't feel like slogging through a several hundred page book to find the detail you're looking for.