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Rats in the Walls (artfree version) Pay What You Want
Publisher: Livres de l'Ours
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/15/2018 13:03:17

Just reading through the pwyw non-art pdf. It looks very very interesting. Easy to play and quick to get started I should think. Not necessarily a Cthulhu clone but could played as such or as a horror or uncanny type game (X-files in the 20s). The Twenties is where it's aimed at but there are notes for playing the game in other time periods. Straightforward mechanics and no fluff. But the really cool section is the advice on building adventures (Investigations) and the general advice on play. All very focussed and succinct. There's an excellent flow chart linked to the model character sheet to help create characters. Some nice little touches such as the fact that if you go and write an article or short story based on your horrific experience, you get some sanity points back! There's also a small conversion table so that you can import a pc from The Other Game of cosmic horror. One tiny quibble, some very minor use of the s word which might offend some folk (no, I don't mean socialist)! I'd love to see if there will be a third party license: I've already got a scenario in my head

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
The game is under a Creative Commons by 4.0 License (except for the fluff part) so feel free to write and publish what you want for the game!
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Rats in the Walls (artfree version)
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